Most people are looking for Real Magic Spells to Keep People Away why is that? Sometimes, certain individuals can bring negativity, toxicity, or unwanted energy into our lives. Whether it’s a toxic relationship, a persistent enemy, or someone who simply won’t leave you alone, real magic spells can help you regain control and peace. Below, we’ll explore seven powerful banishing spells to help you remove someone from your life or mind. Each spell includes detailed instructions, required items, and the best times to perform them.
1. Simple Candle Banishing Spell
This is a beginner-friendly spell that uses the power of fire and intention to banish someone from your life.
What You’ll Need:
- A black candle (represents banishing negativity)
- A piece of paper and a pen
- A fireproof dish or cauldron
When to Perform:
- During the waning moon (to remove energy) or on a Saturday (associated with banishing).
How to Cast the Spell:
- Light the black candle and sit in a quiet space.
- Write the person’s name on the piece of paper.
- Focus on your intention to remove them from your life. Visualize them walking away and feel the relief of their absence.
- Burn the paper in the fireproof dish while saying:
“By the power of fire and light, I banish you from my life. Your presence fades, your hold is gone, this spell is cast, and you move on.” - Let the candle burn out completely. Dispose of the ashes far from your home.

2. Salt and Water Banishing Ritual
Salt and water are powerful cleansing agents in magic. This ritual is perfect for removing someone’s energy from your life.
What You’ll Need:
- A bowl of water
- A handful of sea salt
- A white candle
When to Perform:
- During the waning moon or on a Sunday (for cleansing and renewal).
How to Cast the Spell:
- Light the white candle and place it next to the bowl of water.
- Add the salt to the water and stir it clockwise three times.
- Say:
“Salt and water, pure and clean, remove this person from my scene. Their energy fades, their hold is weak, as I will it, so I speak.” - Dip your fingers into the saltwater and sprinkle it around your home, focusing on areas where the person’s energy feels strongest.
- Pour the remaining water outside your home, symbolizing their removal from your life.
Read More: Spells to Get What You Want
3. Freezer Spell to Stop Someone
This spell is ideal for stopping someone from interfering in your life or causing harm.
What You’ll Need:
- A small piece of paper
- A pen
- A freezer-safe container
- Water
When to Perform:
- During the waning moon or on a Saturday.
How to Cast the Spell:
- Write the person’s name on the piece of paper.
- Fold the paper away from you (to symbolize pushing them away).
- Place the paper in the container and fill it with water.
- Say:
“Your actions freeze, your influence stops, your power over me now drops.” - Place the container in the freezer and leave it there for as long as you need.

4. Banishing Spell with Herbs
Herbs like sage, rosemary, and bay leaves have strong banishing properties. This spell uses their energy to remove someone from your life, or what we call Banishing herbs.
What You’ll Need:
- Dried sage, rosemary, or bay leaves
- A fireproof dish
- A black candle
When to Perform:
- During the waning moon or on a Tuesday (for strength and action).
How to Cast the Spell:
- Light the black candle and place it in front of you.
- Take a handful of the dried herbs and sprinkle them into the fireproof dish.
- Light the herbs and let them burn while saying:
“By the power of earth and flame, I banish you in spirit and name. Your presence fades, your hold is gone, this spell is cast, and you move on.” - Visualize the person being removed from your life as the herbs burn.
- Dispose of the ashes far from your home.
5. Banishing Spell Prayer
This spiritual approach calls upon higher powers to help you remove someone from your life by casting prayer spells.
What You’ll Need:
- A white candle (symbolizes purity and protection)
- A quiet, sacred space
When to Perform:
- During the waning moon or on a Thursday (for spiritual guidance).
How to Cast the Spell:
- Light the white candle and sit in a quiet space.
- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
- Recite the following prayer:
“Guardians of light, hear my plea, remove this person far from me. With love and strength, I set them free, as I will it, so it shall be.” - Visualize the person being surrounded by light and gently guided away from your life.
- Let the candle burn out completely.

6. Mirror Reflection Spell
This spell uses a mirror to reflect negative energy back to the person and banish them from your life.
What You’ll Need:
- A small mirror
- A black cloth
- A piece of paper and a pen
When to Perform:
- During the waning moon or on a Saturday.
How to Cast the Spell:
- Write the person’s name on the piece of paper.
- Place the paper face-down on the mirror.
- Wrap the mirror in the black cloth while saying:
“Your energy reflects, your influence ends, your presence no longer transcends.” - Store the mirror in a dark place, such as a closet or drawer, to keep their energy away.
7. Mental Cleansing Ritual to Banish Someone from Your Mind
Cleansing spell or Cleansing rituals This ritual helps you clear your mind of someone who occupies your thoughts.
What You’ll Need:
- A bowl of saltwater
- A white candle
When to Perform:
- During the waning moon or on a Monday (for emotional healing).
How to Cast the Spell:
- Light the white candle and sit in a quiet space.
- Dip your fingers in the saltwater and gently touch your forehead.
- Say:
“With this water, I cleanse my mind, your thoughts and presence I leave behind.” - Visualize your mind becoming clear and free of their influence.
- Repeat as needed.
Final Thoughts
These real magic spells are designed to help you remove negative influences from your life and mind. Whether you’re a beginner or more experienced, these rituals can be tailored to your needs. Remember, the key to successful spellwork is intention, focus, and belief. Always perform spells with respect and ethical consideration.
By combining these spells with real-world actions, such as setting boundaries and distancing yourself from toxic people, you can create a life filled with peace and positivity.
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